Getting to Know the Team

Name: Wang Hao Bo (Max)

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How I got started:
I was not always into fitness, formerly a TAF(trim and fit) club member in Primary school and Secondary school. I always remember the days that my mother would have to wake me up at 6am and then proceed to drag me along as she go for a jog. It was when someone in the family passed away from a health problem did I suddenly realize that I might die because of my poor health. I then became obsessed with losing weight and eventually hit a low BMI of 18 at one point before getting hooked onto Ghetto Training (courtesy of childhood friends Ananda and Sashti). I then started hitting the gym in order to look good but focused mainly on chest and biceps and pull-ups, neglecting my lower body development. In my JC days, I joined Track and Field after being in awe of my senior Joshua whom I spotted throwing the discus and his display of strength blew me away. In NS, I was selected to be a PTI (physical training instructor), and also went on to become a certified lifeguard. However, at that point I was still unsure of how to really train, neglecting the major compound lifts except bench press, which is a common mistake for most guys. After entering Singapore Management University, I form a strong bond with the other gym goers who taught me how to lift properly and the other aspects of bodybuilding/powerlifting (Leonard, Sihao, Twain, Bryan, Jon) and started to understand the importance of setting a good strength foundation. Currently, I am preparing for my first Powerlifting competition in July.

Why I train: 
Basically I have been training on and off for a long time now, about 8 years, however I only started understanding the bigger picture (the nutrition, the workout, the science etc) early last year (2012), and since then I realized how much more I have to learn, therefore I am constantly pushing myself to see how far I can go and with a dream physique in mind, I am constantly pushing myself to get there. 

How I stay motivated:
People always ask me why I can train day in day out, the reason is quite simple: I surround myself with many positive influences (my friends) and the fact that I can now help others to achieve a better physique brings me satisfaction, therefore I love training. As long as I can continue doing what I like, I will keep doing it. On train/bus rides etc, I would watch motivational videos or training videos of other lifters. On days that I feel off, I would watch my favorite lifter, Pete Rubish grinding out his 800lbs deadlift and slap myself awake mentally or watch Zhansi's epic bodybuilding videos before getting that last rep in.

Throughout my years of training, I realized that a lot of people fall trap to popular fitness myths such as lifting light weights for many reps = cutting and a diet = starving yourself and girls who lift = look like man. These are not true and I hope that through this blog, people would learn the correct information and not lose heart in achieving their dream bodies. Look good, feel good brah.

- Spotmebrahmax

My transformation (not even in my final form) 


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